integrated experience
A background in clinical and organizational psychology and experience working as executives and as HR consultants have enabled the managing partners at Kampas to execute interventions tailored to their clients’ specific needs. With the support of local and international partners, the firm is able to coordinate projects in Brazil and abroad.
Mônica Fix A founding partner of Kampas, Fix holds a degree in Clinical Organizational Psychology from INSEAD (2004) as well as an Executive Master's in Consulting and Coaching for Change (2013). She is also on the Executive Coaches team at INSEAD and has previously worked at companies such as ABN Amro Real, Citibank, Hoechst and Mappin Telecom.
Fix is also an associate consultant at the Kets de Vries Institute (KDVI) and holds a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Sao Paulo as well as a degree in Psychoanalysis from Sedes Sapientae. In addition, she finished a Master’s in 2013 at INSEAD, publishing the thesis paper: “The Dance of Leadership Team in the 21st Century: The Efficacy of a Team Coaching Model Based on Systems-Psychodynamics Approach”.
As an HR and consulting executive, Fix has gained experience coordinating critical transition processes in corporate creations and mergers, she has lent support to leaders during organizational restructuring, and she has worked on training, integrating and developing teams as well as with personal advising for professionals.
From 2005 to 2008, she was a partner at Adduo Coaching e Consultoria. Fix has worked in partnership with Toya Lorch since 2005 and, in 2009, the two joined their experience leading transition processes to form Kampas.
Fix also holds certification to use the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), MEP (Professional Strategy Map), EQ (Emotional Quotient Inventory) and GELI (Global Executive Leadership Inventory) instruments.
Toya Lorch A founding partner of Kampas, Lorch holds a degree in Clinical Organizational Psychology from INSEAD (2010) as well as an Executive Master's in Consulting and Coaching for Change (2013). She is also on the Executive Coaches team at INSEAD and has 8 years of experience at companies such as Translor, Ryder and Unilever.
Lorch is also an associate consultant at the Kets de Vries Institute (KDVI) and holds a degree from Tavistock Clinic in London in Consultation and The Organization: psychoanalytical approaches (2002). She completed her Master’s in 2013 at INSEAD, publishing the thesis paper: “From Individual Career Dilema to Family’s Adaptative Challenge”.
She worked at Unilever’s international training center (London) for four years as an internal coach – for individuals and teams. From 2003 to 2008, she was a partner at Trapézio Consultoria Organizacional, where she had worked in partnership with Mônica Fix since 2005. Because of the synergy between their academic backgrounds and professional experiences, they formed Kampas in 2009.
Lorch also holds certification to use the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), MEP (Professional Strategy Map), EQ (Emotional Quotient Inventory) and GELI (Global Executive Leadership Inventory) instruments.
Associate Consultants The following consultants are part of the Kampas team:
Andréa Lomando – Psychologist with specialization in HR at PUC / RJ and Organizational Clinic at INSEAD (2009), where she integrates the coaching team, Andrea has worked for companies such as BM & F, ABN Amro Real, Citibank, TV Globo and AMBEV.
A graduate from UERJ, her 19 years of professional experience are focused on organizational and people development and, since 2007, she has been working as a consultant in national and multinational companies in different market segments.
As an associate at Kampas, since 2010, she is part of the consulting team for the customization and implementation of programs aimed at leadership development, organizational climate, performance management, competencies and career issues.
A certified coach from Integrated Coaching (ICI), Andrea is also trained as a MEP (Professional Strategy Map), MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and GELI (Global Executive Leadership Inventory) consultant.
Beatriz Brito – A Business Bachelor with specialization from Harvard University (1995) and a MBA in HR from IBMEC (1999), with training on Group Dynamics (2002), Beatriz has worked for companies such as Citibank, ABN Amro Real, Global ICTS and Visa Vale.
Her coaching training was at EcoSocial Institute (2008) and at CTI Co-Active Coaching Training Institute (2012) and she is also a certified coach from ACC (Associate Certified Coach). Beatriz is a member and founding partner of Brazil ICF (International Coaching Federation) and the São Paulo Chapter.
A Kampas associate since 2012, her 17 years of experience have been dedicated to facilitating and reading group processes, customizing and implementing leadership development and HR management programs as well as executive and career coaching.
An organizational consultant and coach since 2007, Beatriz is also a certified user of the Insights Discovery tool and qualified to apply the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), MEP (Professional Strategy Map) Hogan Personality Inventory, TKI (Thomas- Kilmann Conflict Mode Intrument) and PEP (Potential Estimation Program).
Denise Rodrigues – Psychologist, specialized in Management and HR Development at FEA / USP, holds a degree in Ontological Business Coaching by Newfield Consulting (USA, 2005) and Co-Active Coaching by Augere Foundation (Spain, 2012).
A Team Manager and HR support at VASP for eight years, she led projects in the areas of vocational guidance and career, as well as analysis of organizational restructuring in Brazilian and foreign units.
She has been a consultant since 1993, managing coaching projects and leadership development programs in national and multinational companies in different market segments.
A certified coach at International Coaching Federation (São Paulo section), she is also certified at MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), MEP (Strategy Map Professional) and Potential Estimated Imde (InSyst Master Data Establishment).
Luciana Rovegno – A Kampas associate consultant who has worked for companies such as C&A, Cultura Inglesa SP, Afferolab and Eriksson, Luciana holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from FEA USP, an MBA in Services Marketing, a Masters in Adult Education from the SIT in the USA (with a focus on experiential learning), an extension in Marketing and Sales Management from RMIT (Australia) and Knowledge Management and Corporate Education at FIA.
She has been working in education and development for the past 20 years, and has accumulated experience both in managing subsidiaries, expansion projects, studies for the Board, structuring areas (Commercial and Corporate Education), as well as in training and development, facilitation (University of Cambridge instructor and international tutor for teaching certification and diploma programs), coaching and mentoring leaders. As Cultura Inglesa T&D manager, was responsible for running a partnership with the State of São Paulo Education Department aiming at training English State School Teachers, having coordinated the multipliers’ training initiatives in 2010.
Currently works as a consultant in education and development, as a facilitator in group processes and as a coach.
An ontological coach by Appana Institute (2011), she is certified as a coach of the Action Learning methodology by WIAL Brazil (2016) and is also certified in behavioral analysis tools such as the MBTI and DISC.
Tania Loyelo – A psychologist graduated from USP, specialized in the Human Resources and Coaching fields, a certified coach in Co-Active Coaching by the Augere Foundation, Tania has held executive positions at Russell Reynolds and Ryder Brazil.
She has been a consultant for 19 years and her major areas of expertise are people development and leadership programs, assessment, executive coaching, skills mapping and individualized career guidance processes. Alongside with her consultant activities, she also led organizational development and HR management programs in both national and multinational companies of different sizes and market segments.
A certified coach at the International Coaching Federation (São Paulo section), Tania is certified in the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) assessment instrument, MEP (Professional Strategy Map), The Global Executive Leadership Inventory (INSEAD) and Potential Estimated IMDE (InSyst Master Date Establishment).